Notwithstanding ulterior agreements, photos, videos and other media by Ulrich Beinert may only be used according to the following guidelines:
- Only private, non-commercial use is permitted. Warning: commercial use includes websites with advertising, social media profiles with paid partnerships, publications containing advertisements, as well as all comparable circumstances.
- Alterations of media – e.g. cropping, digital processing, insertion of texts or graphics – are prohibited. Size reduction of photos is permitted.
- Media must be clearly marked as intellectual property of Ulrich Beinert. Medien müssen klar als geistiges Eigentum von Ulrich Beinert gekennzeichnet werden. Where technically possible, a link must be inserted, on social media to @ulrichbeinert, on websites to On social media, the label must be placed at the beginning of the photo caption. On websites and in print publications, it may be at its end. The image below shows the standard for labeling on social media using the required reference “Photo: @ulrichbeinert”. The word “photo” may be replaced by the camera emoji.
All uses not in accordance with these guidelines – particularly commercial use – must be agreed upon and paid for individually. Neglect to follow these guidelines is a violation of this license agreement and subject to legal prosecution.